Story of a lost journalist

April 30, 2007

On those walls

Filed under: Fiction — Cris @ 18:32

It was the same time again. Gawd I am falling in love with these power failures!
I went up and looked at my favorite wall. My roomies thought me cranky. They think I write secret poems. I didnt bother to correct them.

Hmm..Any minute now…Aha! Finally. The same slow movements. Nose first. Perfect nose just like the ones those artisits folks draw – more like a sculpture carved with utter perfection. Next comes the lashes.. Long thick ones with a perfect curve at the edge. Gosh I so wish I was an artist. The lips .. another super pefection… and finally those small strands of curly hair falling over her well carved forehead. The same pose.. slightly leaning forwards to look down at the busy streets. Her hands must be resting on the half-walls. I cant make it out but I can see them rise to her lovely chins and cheeks sometimes.
Gosh what a beautiful picture..

The power would be back on again now.. And she would go back..

Maybe I should write a poem. Or rather story. She deserves to be made a poem. If I could carve her into some wall and keep looking at it.. But thats where I see her even now. On the walls… on her walls…
When I do write I will talk of my love across the street. How every night I climb up to just see her for a while.. How I have no idea of what she is or who she is..
For I am in love with a shadow on a wall across the street I saw every night!

April 25, 2007

A conversation

Filed under: Conversation — Cris @ 16:55

Me : Am I pampered?
Myself : Naaa you just appear to be
Me : Many people seem to think so
Myself : Could be the way you talk and stuff
Me : I dont like it
Myself : Termed pampered? Hmm neither do I
Me : What do we about it?
Myself : Appear not pampered?
Me : Yes exactly!
Myself : Is that important? You gotta be yourself you know
Me : Not if people dont like the way you treat them
Myself : Good point. So whats the plan?
Me : Avoid all nick names for one.
Myself : Not all. Only ones who have heard them and concluded you as pampered.
Me : Yep. I guess the names, and the kind of words I used caused the trouble
Myself : Hmm yea. Get rid of it.
Me : Done
Myself : Cool

April 13, 2007

Big me! Small world!

Filed under: Imagination — Cris @ 03:28

Yawnnn! This is the part of the day I hate the most! The waking up part! If I were in a cartoon I could’ve yelled “Hey who turned on the lights”.But here I am in my beatiful room sitting on my beautiful bed knowing I cannot stay here another minute longer lest I should be late for work.I toyed with the idea of taking leave and going back to my beautiful room and beautiful bed. But my bed sheet seemed to be filled with pictures of my boss scowling at me. That shook me up!

I decided to do it. I went to my secret room, put on my secret clothes and became… (loud background music) …..super girl!!! (lots of echo)I got out of the room and spread my wings. I should be flying thats what super heroes do. But I decided not to. I went and took my super bag. I caught a super bus and went to my super office to do my super work! Time for some super powers. I threw out a hand and expected spider webs to jump out. Oops no webs came out. Ok maybe I dont have the spidey thing in me.
Bat man and Super man flew. I stepped out of my chair and jumped. Well I went up a feet. I came down the next minute. Gravity seems to like me down.

I noticed that others around me didnt whisper as they should or look at my super powers in admiration. I wanted more background music. There should be a theme song. Aha.
“Super Girlie, shes a hero,
Gonna take pollution down to zero.”

“You watch Captain Planet?” someone asked. I stared, pretended I didnt hear him and turned away.This wasnt working. Super heroes did not sit in an office working unnoticed by all. Something was missing.

And then the realisation struck me. I was no super girl!!! No!!! This was too much! The identity I kept close to my heart secretly was not real!!! I am just an ordinary breathing human being like the rest of them!!!Unbearable!

Well its 9 AM. I am going to start working now. Enough for the day to keep me alive. Tomorrow I am going to be a detective!


Filed under: Fiction — Cris @ 03:26

It is time. I have to run away from home. Today! With no delay! I am no procrastinator. I am old enough to live on my own. I cannot ask my birth-givers before I do the most trivial things! Last week I had the misfortune to trip on a chair and fall down. Purely accidental. And all my mother could do was shout at the top of her voice for breaking her new chair! This was so offensive! She should remember I am a grown up too now!

Today my younger brother came and demanded that he should have the new expensive car I got for myself. It was a beautiful gift from my Grand Father. Red color and high speed it would go to any length in any time I chose it to go. I refuse, he cries loudly and Mother again showed up and took away my best piece of amusement, my dear toy from me and gave it to him! Disgusting the way the young wicked ones run the house! Filthy creature!

I cannot be treated like a child anymore. I no longer wish to be told who is who and what is what. I desire to have my life my way!

Rummmmmmm Tadakkkkkkkkkk!!!
Thunder!! Oh no!
This is insanity. I am too old to be scared. But oh err I need to stay; to protect my Mother, my younger brother.
Maybe I will run away next year when I become 8. Hmmm that is no procrastination. Just philanthropy!

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